Day 45 – Writing a Book

I got this free, signed copy of Cornelia Funke's novel Fearless.

I got this free, signed copy of Cornelia Funke’s novel Fearless.

Today Joe and I got some work done. We woke up early in the morning and drank our coffee and sat down at the table and finalized our novel’s main plot. We also created some potential scenes and developed more characters and crafted their personalities and likes and dislikes. We also constructed some scene settings and possible locations for conflict and whatnot. It was fantastic. I haven’t really written a novel like this before. I mean, I haven’t really written a novel at all. Just a bunch of half-assed short stories and novel beginnings. Sitting down with an accomplished, internationally published novelist and planning out a book is the bee’s knees.

It’s crazy how creative you can get when planning out a book. You’re basically playing God for a little bit. A very small God. But you create imaginary life and form a compelling, inspiring story out of it. You really have to sink into the novel’s world, though. It’s almost like closing the blinds on the real world and immersing your imagination into the fantastic realm of fiction. I’m assuming that works great with the aid of alcohol.

“Write drunk; edit sober.”   – Ernest Hemingway

That’s some advice I should take. Eventually. Not right now. I’m too tired to get drunk and write something creative. In fact, I’m writing this blog post with the last ounce of energy that I found somewhere in the abyss of my body’s energy chamber, wherever that might be.