Day 46 and 47 – Blogging

This is an irrelevant picture of Seattle that I took a few weeks ago.

This is an irrelevant picture of Seattle that I took a few weeks ago.

Day 46

We didn’t really do all that much that day. In the evening, however, we watched The Shawshank Redemption. I thought it was an absolutely incredible movie. My two friends thought it was pretty good but not absolutely incredible. So I threw a figurative glass of cold water in their faces and had them cower on a couch while I held a literal speech about freedom, truth, and hope at midnight. It was arguably one of my best speeches I had ever delivered.

Day 47

We met with a blogger at Starbucks somewhere on the outskirts of Pasadena. It was… nice. I couldn’t really learn much from him because what he told us I had already learned in 2011 after high school while working with those marketing and sales companies in the States and in Germany. But it was fun to learn about his history, how he became a blogger, why he writes columns for the local newspaper and why he thinks writing for TV shows and the radio are conducive to becoming a better writer. He also said that there’s hope for the continued existence of newspapers because some people do prefer holding a newspaper in their hands instead of reading about it online.

I’m currently reading Dean Koontz’s book Intensity. It’s pretty intense. Bet you didn’t see that pun coming. The opening scene seems to be dragging on and on forever. For the first couple of chapters, you see the entire world through the eyes of the protagonist, Chyna. I’m kinda craving a different view for at least a few paragraphs. But oh well. I shouldn’t be complaining. Dean has written dozens and dozens of novels whereas I’m not even published yet. But that will change by the end of this year. I hope. God, I really hope so.

I used “hope” in all three paragraphs. That’s pretty cool. Well, make that four now. Boom.